Educational Puzzles on Stellar™ network
Updated on November 2, 2021: after almost 2 years the last remaining Puzzle #9
have finally been solved and this activity is now officially archived. Check out Stellar Quest
for more Stellar-related challenges, puzzles and CTFs.
Updated on November 1, 2021: @tyvdh provided extra reward for
the Puzzle #9. It's 2000 XLM now! ^_^
Updated on May 13, 2021: We no longer post new puzzles here, and most of the existing ones have been
solved long time ago, except for Puzzle #9 which stays strong over the past 1.5 years
and keeps the 150 XLM reward intact. It's nothing like a beginner-level task though, so if you just started learning
Stellar, it's probably better to start by participating in Stellar Quest,
while also study other puzzles on this page
Anybody who feels confident enough is encouraged to take a shot at solving Puzzle #9.
The rules are pretty straightforward — figure out how to extract the reward from the puzzle account and the money
is yours. KYC is not required, and even if you find solution you can stay completely anonymous if you so desire.
There's also no time limits, except for the fact that only the first person who figure out the solution collects
the reward.
The following educational puzzles were created in November 2019 to incentify audience coming for
the Keybase Spacedrop to also learn a bit more about Stellar network.
Each puzzle was presented by posting a short clue to the spacedrop keybase channel, and had an associated
XLM reward hidden somewhere on the public network, which can be extracted by executing normal Stellar
operations. The first person who figures out the correct operation or operation sequence — grabs the reward and
keeps the money. Upon collection of the reward each puzzle was updated with the detailed info about its original
setup and the solution.
Puzzle #1
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Hard
Reward: 75XLM
Solved: Yes, by @nightromantic and @anz
Also solved by @nebolsin, who did not claim any of the reward.
The puzzle was set up with a ring arrangement of three accounts,
all issuers of an asset (LEGOLAS, FRODO and GANDALF), and all with
offers to trade these assets amongst themselves. All three of these
assets required an authorised trustline, so normal Stellar users
were unable to hold them. There was also a fouth account, which
issued a SAMWISE asset. This asset was for sale to any user for
10,000XLM per SAMWISE. The issuer account for SAMWISE held an
authorised trusline for all three of the other assets.
The issuers of LEGOLAS, FRODO and GANDALF were all happy to sell
their respective assets for 1 SAMWISE each, and also happy to sell
their asset to one of the other accounts for 0.001 of its
respective asset. In order to extract the reward, the user needed
to open a trustline to SAMWISE, and then issue three path payments
of 1XLM-->25XLM, passing through SAMWISE, then all of LEGOLAS,
FRODO and GANDALF in three different orders. Alternatively, the
user could first purchase 0.0003 SAMWISE and then make the path
payments using that.
The main feature of this puzzle is the ring of offers which
allows a 25:1 arbitrage trading opportunity. SAMWISE initially
looks completely unaffordable, but once the multiplying effect of
the LEGOLAS, FRODO and GANDALF offers is taken into account, it
becomes an opportunity to profit.
Puzzle #2: A Poor Man's Arbitrage
Author: @nebolsin
Difficulty: Very Hard
Reward: 100XLM
Solved: Yes, by an anonymous
Also solved by @erayd, who did not claim any of the reward.
This puzzle combined arbitrage trading with a little-known
feature whereby a Stellar account may lend to itself an unlimited
amount of any asset it can hold, provided it's fully repaid in the
same operation (i.e. it can pay for the initial cost of a trade,
using the proceeds of that same trade). To solve this puzzle, the
user created a transaction that spent 100XLMZ (a token they did not
own any of) in order to execute an arbitrage trade that passed
repeatedly through assets PUZL and QUIZ, eventually resulting in a
200XLMZ return. This resulted in a 100XLMZ balance in the account.
The user then used a path payment to trade 100XLMZ for the 100XLM
reward, and send that reward directly to their own account.
Puzzle #3
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Easy
Reward: 10XLM
Solved: Yes, by @preimers
The funds were removed by merging the puzzle account into the
account where the user wished to receive the reward. The puzzle
account required two signers, and the private keys for both signers
were present as data notes on the account.
Puzzle #4
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Medium
Reward: 25XLM
Solved: Yes, by an anonymous
The clue contained a pre-signed transaction with a too-high
sequence number, which transferred the reward from one account to
another. Secret keys for both accounts were available in the clue,
but the key for the source account only had low-threshold access.
To claim the reward, the user performed a bump-sequence operation
on the source account in order to correct the sequence number (this
is a low-threshold action), and then submitted the signed
transaction and withdrew the reward from the second account.
Puzzle #5
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Very Easy
Reward: 10XLM
Solved: Yes, by an anonymous
This puzzle was indeed very easy. The clue was just the secret
key backwards, and there were no restrictions on the account. The
user simply used this key to merge the account into their own, thus
claiming the entire reward.
Puzzle #6
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Easy
Reward: 12.5XLM
Solved: Yes, by an anonymous
This puzzle clue contained a pre-signed transaction that paid
the reward into an account controlled by the clue secret key. The
user then used that key to pay the reward into their own
Puzzle #7
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Easy
Reward: 14XLM
Solved: Yes, by an anonymous
This puzzle had two accounts - the clue was the secret key for
one, and the other held the reward. The reward was claimed by
having the clue account issue 14 PUZZLE tokens to redeem an offer
from the reward account. The user did this as a path payment, to
ensure the reward landed in the user's own account.
Puzzle #8
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Easy
Reward: 16.5XLM
Solved: Yes, by*
The reward for this puzzle was divided among 10 other accounts,
each with the clue account set as a signer. To retrieve the reward,
the user needed to merge all 10 of these accounts into their own,
thus cashing out the reserve balance.
Puzzle #9: The Clueless Multisig
Author: @nebolsin
Difficulty: Hard
Reward: 2000XLM
Solved: Yes, by @smephite
@smephite did an awesome write-up on solving this puzzle.
Puzzle #10: The Origin of Lumens
Author: @nebolsin
Difficulty: Medium
Reward: 20XLM
Solved: Yes, by an anonymous
The network master account (i.e. the one which generated all the
original XLM in existence) was set as a signer for this account. To
claim the reward, the user simply needed to create an ordinary
transaction which paid the reward to their own account, and sign it
with the secret for the master account.
Puzzle #11
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Easy
Reward: 9 XLM
Solved: Yes
Puzzle #12
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Medium
Reward: 15 XLM
Solved: Yes, by paconrad
To obtain the reward, the user issued 15 PUZZLE tokens to their
own account. Then they made an offer from their own account to sell
15 PUZZLE for 15 XLM. This matched an offer on the reward account
to sell 15 XLM for 15 PUZZLE. As offers are executed as soon as
they cross, this resulted in 15 XLM in the user's own account.
Puzzle #13
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Medium
Reward: 40 XLM
Solved: Yes
Puzzle #14
Author: @erayd
Difficulty: Medium
Reward: 15 XLM
Solved: Yes, by @paconrad
The secret key to the reward account was added as a data entry
during account creation, and then immediately removed in the same
transaction. To view this key, the user needed to examine the
details of the account-creation transaction. Once the user knew the
secret key, they merged the account into their own to obtain the